Let's Heal Your Emotions With Money & Empower The Real You!

Some call me a money therapist, a financial healer, a CEO, or a life coach. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you!

 Join me on a journey to heal your relationship with money and change your life. A journey of self-discovery, self-love, and financial empowerment.


Society tries to put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve. Showing people how to become their authentic, confident, limitless, abundant and free self is my life's work.


I have transformed lives by coaching people how to have REAL WEALTH and fulfillment. This starts by healing their relationship with money and themselves.


I have led my financial services and wealth management firm JMC Wealth in Chicago, Illinois, for over 25 years. Like many others, I had been affected by family beliefs about financial struggle.


However, once I realized I didn’t have to live under the shadow of those old childhood beliefs about money, I created a life plan of my choosing—one based on sound investment strategies and proven emotional and mental tools and techniques.


One of my greatest passions is supporting other woman wanting to create a career or business who also want to raise a family or perhaps recover from a divorce and find love again.


My professional designations are CLU, ChFC, and CFP® and I am an independent CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™


I live in Chicago, Illiois, am a mother of 4 beautiful children and the second oldest daughter in a family of 13.  I created and run Beyond Your Wildest dreams, the teaching and coaching part that includes my books supported by my partner Billy and our team.

"After just 2 weeks of working with Julie, I've made some massive shifts in my mindset and my money habits. I am finally hopeful and have confidence for my financial future, for the first time in my life."

Jason Smith

"This time last year, I was a frazzled mother of 2, just barely getting by. Thanks to Julie's course and books, I'm a happier, healthier, and more financial abundant person for myself and my family."

Laura Young



My books will transform how you feel about money, helping bring you into a new mindset that feeds your heart and soul while enriching your financial well-being—living a life of Real Wealth!

My latest book 'The 4 Spiritual Laws of Money' follows 'Awaken Your Wealth' a #1 Amazon best seller in several categories. I first introduced my approach that bridges the right emotional brain and left financial brain to help people release old beliefs that limit them from achieving greater financial security in 'The Emotion Behind Money: Building Wealth from the Inside Out'.


Break Limiting Stories & Patterns
Learn How To Shift Wounds Into Wisdom


Attraction > Hustling
Learn How To Attract Breakthroughs Versus Breakdowns


Transform From Servant to Creator
Take Back Control Of Your Life, Money, Mind, & Destiny


From Golden Cage To Being A Change Maker
We Can Create Our Abundant & Happy Authentic Life At Our Own Pace.

Visit My Official Site

Get access to my blog for money and life tips. Drop into our library to get my books that will help you strength your financial muscles, heal your relationship with money, and awaken your wealth!



My Mission Is To Financially Heal The World By Teaching People How To Live Wallet And Heart Aligned.

This starts by healing peoples relationship with money.

When our wallet and heart ar aligned, we have the power to live life on our terms. Using our unique skills and deepest desires, we are able to direct our passions to fund our freedom and future.